United Way 211
United Way 211 makes connections and gets help
United Way 211 is America’s most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services. The 211 network fields some 50,000 calls like this a day -- averaging 21 million requests for help every year, including 1.7 million in Spanish. These requests aren’t answered by technology but by 2,000+ real people who are part of the 211 network. In a disaster, personal crisis or daily challenge, these trained specialists connect people to available resources for finding food, paying housing bills and connecting to other essential services.
United Way 211 is a 24/7 go-to resource that connects millions with locally available help. Expert, caring call center operators are supporting 99% of the U.S. population and all of Canada. It’s free, confidential and available in more than 180 languages. The website, 211.org, now in English and Spanish, has many resources for people to find help or a 211 in their community. Through 211, people can access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, Veteran services, and child care and family services.
211 is a vital part of United Way’s work to build strong, resilient and equitable communities where everyone can thrive. By connecting people in need with the best resources available to them, 211 helps make the social services ecosystem more efficient and effective, and helps local resources go further.
If anyone you know needs help, please encourage them to call 2-1-1, or visit 211.org. And thank you for giving to United Way to support this critical service.